Belgium Mallet Bottle
Description: This still life portrays colonial America through both everyday and luxury items. A common pewter beer mug highlights social gatherings, while a Belgian bell-shaped bottle and Qing Dynasty bowl signify luxury and global trade. A simple metal spoon and books emphasize daily rituals and the pursuit of knowledge, respectively. A white clay tobacco pipe indicates the popularity of tobacco. Together, these objects depict the ambitions, survival, and cultural integration of colonial life.
Photography Process: Using Light Painting technique each object was carefully illuminated to accentuate the subject's inherent beauty. This meticulous process requires shooting in a completely dark room with patience and precision, ensuring that every element enhances the overall harmony and balance of the composition.
Photography Process: Using Light Painting technique each object was carefully illuminated to accentuate the subject's inherent beauty. This meticulous process requires shooting in a completely dark room with patience and precision, ensuring that every element enhances the overall harmony and balance of the composition.